Things I love...

1. What gorgeous nails! I wish I knew how to do these, I can barely even paint my nails a solid color so I would probably have to get these done professionally. They are so ridiculously beautiful though.

pink butterfly nails
2. Soft serve ice cream is probably the best thing on the face of this earth. Soft serve with sprinkles must be a special gift from God.
soft serve ice cream with rainbow sprinkles
3. I find these corset tops to be so beautiful. I wish they made ones that would fit me! I especially love the sequined ones. If anyone ever finds any that are c cup or up let me know!
beautiful corset tops
4. These mugs are seriously adorable. I know I just posted about a panda pan last week so this post obviously continues to illustrate my love for cute kitchenware. I will post a link if I ever find where they are sold!
smile mugs
5. This is such a cool illustration of the states and their license plates. If you have ever been in my families garage you may have noticed a large collection of license plates hanging up, in order of the states we have lived in. I've lived in Virginia, Kansas, Texas, Maryland, Ohio and Indiana and we have some of the license plates depicted hanging up on the garage wall. As much as moving sucked at the time, it really has allowed me to be a well rounded person today, and also one that deals with change rather well.
license plate maps
6. This dress is so cute! I feel like it might be a bit more difficult for me to sew than I could handle, but that won't stop me from trying! I really like the colors that is in, I feel like if I made my own it would be very similar. 
bow dress
7. Vitamin Water! I used to never drink flavored water products but after trying these suckers out a few years ago I became obsessed. They make so many great flavors, its hard to not find one you like (or two, or three or all of them)! XXX has single handily gotten me through many colds.
vitamin water
8. Oh the Museum of Natural History, I am not sure this could be any more true. I love museums, but this one really does top the charts. Its been such a long time since I have gone and this poster reminds me of why I need to get back to DC ASAP.
the museum of natural history
9. Aren't these UP earrings the most precious things you've ever seen? I really would like a pair, its looks like they were actually made out of shrinky dink!
up earrings
10. I love this beautiful picture, but I also love the concept of the frame. I am thinking this wouldn't be too hard to figure out and would look fabulous with some of my favorite quotes. I am gonna have to try this out!
look at how the stars shine for you
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Makeover Mondays

Well look at that... I took a super huge break from blogging. Woopsies! I hope everyone had a nice long weekend, I am currently watching Surprise Homecoming, a show purely devised to make me bawl my eyes out for an entire sixty minutes. I enjoy the families explaining about their lives and the actual moment when they surprise their loved ones, but some of the show is pretty hokey with how they film it. Despite my big break, I have been rather busy with sewing myself a new skirt! I finished it up today and I am pretty happy with how it turned out. I will try to get some photos of me in it tomorrow! Hopefully the weather will stay nice enough for me to be able to go swimming finally! I also plan on baking a whole bunch of recipes starting tomorrow, I have some yummy chocolate chip cookie dough truffles planned along with peanut butter cookies. To finish the week out I will also try out an ice cream recipe, but I will keep the flavor a surprise! Just remember to check back throughout the week to see how they all turn out and to get the recipe. : )

pink with gold words room
I believe that these walls are featured in a Lilly Pulitzer store, but I find the concept quite charming. I think doing something like this in a small space such as a bathroom would be very interesting and fun! 
cool lamps
I am in love with all of these lamps. I would be happy to have any one of them, or maybe them all!
bright laundry room
I am not sure if I ever will be able to leave a wall in my house completely white, never less an entire room, but the design of this (kitchen? washroom? laundry room?) is amazing. I am particularly enjoying the rainbow of colors brought in through the fabrics.
green house
I love the little gate, the huge windows, the shade of green and all of the landscaping on this home.
reused old drawers
A rather simple diy project, these antique drawers fit in quite nicely with the modern lines of the shelves. I would really like to have this on a larger scale as a dresser in my bedroom.
pink stairs
These stairs are way too cool. I am just thinking of all of the creeky wooden steps I have had the pleasure of slipping on at college. If I ever lived in a home where there are steps like this, I would have to paint them and put one of my favorite quotes on them.
turquoise bed room with light canopy
I really love the color on these walls, but the most striking element is the natural canopy bed created by the lights. I would love to do this over my bed at home.
book staircase
Bookshelves! I will never get enough of them, and by mixing them with stairs I can find another way to get more books into my home.
bird mobile
I don't have any children yet, nor do I plan to for a while, but I love this mobile. I wonder how difficult it would be to make this?
modern hanging lounge
And the grand finale, this is from some majorly cool office. I really like the idea of being able to just lounge around on indoor hammocks, but this also frightens me with how people can just walk around beneath them. Thank goodness that the woman in the skirt is sitting on the side. : )
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Whimsical Wednesday

boys ugh
pink trees
gold nails
beauty and the beast
cream colored dress
blue hair
scott pilgram
pink flowers
chalkboard wall
magic potions
keep calm and boiler up
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Things I love...

1. Water balloon fights. I am in love with throwing bright, colored balloons filled with nice cool water at my friends on a hot summer day. I would really enjoy organizing a water balloon fight one day this summer. I have to see if any of my friends would be up for it!

water balloons
2. This classy mint scalloped dress. I really, really want it. It isn't too much money, but I shouldn't spend any right now so I am resisting as much as possible. I love the color and the style. You can find it over here on the interwebs. 
mint dress
3. Grillenium Falcon. Does this need an explanation? Apparently this beauty is located in Arkansas. I've never had a desire to venture to Arkansas before, but seeing as I just added this to my brand new bucket list, I guess I will be going!
the grillenium falcon
4. Camping is such a treat. I was lucky enough to be a camp counselor last summer at the awesome camp, Gretna Glen, and I will seriously miss it this summer. If it weren't for the fact I was taking summer classes, I would have definitely tried to go back this summer. I enjoy camping in general but having the chance to be a camp counselor is a million times better. 
5. Adorable kitchen ware. Or appliances in general. Not gonna lie, I want a hello kitty toaster. Yes, they do exist, and apparently they burn hello kitty faces into my toast. Want. One. Now. This panda pan would also be quite quaint in my future home. 
panda pan
6. Paint Chips! Yes, these are currently covering my bed. I have been sorting through a whole bunch that I recently took from Lowes as part of my search for the perfect color for the room in Shoemaker next year. I also have a craft or two in mind that involves these suckers!
paint chips
7. This gorgeous picture. I wish I could have taken it. Or been there when it was taken. Everything about this image is so beautiful and magical. The colors of the sky especially interest me, I love the contrast of the blues and pinks!
sunset lake
8. Marvel Comic Books. DC get your ass out of here. I really am a huge fan of Marvel comics, and of course their super heros. I love this info-graphic that illustrates where certain super heros live according to the city of New York. Now I need to go revisit New York and look at where the locations would be!
super hero map
9. Bento Boxes. These are really simple, washable, tupperware ones, but I am so inspired by all of the unique lunches that people make and keep in them. This one is quite tame compared to some of the other bento lunches I have seen, I only hope that someday I can cut my lunch food into hello kitty shapes or even Walle
bento boxes
10. This red dress. I love dresses. Out of the past seven days, I have worn dresses five. The other two I wore a skirt and shorts. This is dress weather. And while I love the color red, most of my dresses are actually blue! Blue is a fantastic color on me but I would love to own a simple red dress like this one someday. I probably could make my own, since I like such a simple dress shape. Hrmm... I am going to have to keep looking into dress patterns!
red dress
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Makeover Mondays

Oh hey! Its Monday again! Time for more awesome interior design ideas. I hope everyone had a great weekend, mine was busy with watching my sister's lacrosse games and hanging out with friends.  I'm starting to work on my next craft for this week, and I was asked about fabric covered notebooks, so I am starting to look into tutorials for those as well. Let me know if there are any topics you guys are interested in me covering, recipes you would like me to try (or try with me!) or a craft you'd like me to figure out a tutorial for! This blog is about the things I love, food, design, crafts and my friends, so of course I would love to help you all out! On with the design!

Wood Walk Way
Isn't this a neat walkway for a garden? I would like to have it be surrounded by flowers.
Secret Bookshelf Door
I want one of these secret doorways in my future dream home. I love the fact that even the stairway is lined with bookshelves!
Hanging Bed
So in case you can't tell that bedroom is hanging. I can't ever imagine doing this in my future homes but its a pretty awesome concept in this loft.
Awesome Closet
I found this adorable idea over here, the creator took her closet and made it a kid friendly hangout zone!
Loft Clock Tower
I wish I could live in this 25 million dollar penthouse in New York City. Look at that amazing clock face window! There are two in the apartment.
Column Book Shelves
The apartment is okay, but my favorite detail is the bookshelves on the round columns. What a great way to use something that can often be considered a nuisance in such a useful way!  
Pixel Tiled Bathroom
I really enjoy the black and white tile design in this bathroom, especially paired with the yellow accents!
Shoes Shelves
Okay. This is really doesn't need much of an explanation does it? This is just shoe heaven. I WISH I had enough room for this many shoes. Or the money. The rest of the house is just as gorgeous. 
Tree House
Now this beauty of a home is located way up in the trees. At our last house we had a tree house and it was awesome! I cannot imagine how incredible it would be to actually live in one. 
Tree House Hallway
And this amazing room with a view even features a sweet window seat!

If you want to see a really inexpensive but just as incredible diy renovation then you should head over here! Kitchen renovations are amongst the most expensive, so for this to only cost 400 dollars, I am really impressed!
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