Sorted Out

Today I woke up at the crack of dawn (7:30! so early!) to go take a long with my mom and our dog Chester. He was pretty excited and super annoying for the whole thing. Afterwards we came back and I decided to watch Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, its one of my favorite shows, I seriously cry every time I watch the show because of how happy I am to see such positivity in the world. This episode was just as touching, with focusing on a family out of Florida comprised of a mother and three daughters. The daughters had grown up with two drug addicted parents and when they both passed away, the oldest sister looked towards her volleyball coach, knowing she would help them out. Well her coach adopted all three of them and is now their legal guardian and loving mother. It was so nice to see a woman who became a part of these girls lives at such a late point in their life still accept them and welcome them as if she had been with them since they were born. The house that was built for them was gorgeous, based off a contemporary beach resort theme.

Raspberry Lemonade Bars

The beautiful home that was made for the "Brewitt" Family on ABC's Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.

When the show was over I surprisingly fell into a long four hour nap (never happens for me) and then for the rest of the day I was busy continuing to put all of my stuff from school away. I have everything sorted out now, I am just trying to find spots for the stuff I want in my room. 

Also, I have spent some time working today on spiffying up my blog by adding in a signature to the end of my posts (not sure how I like it yet) and by adding a button to my blog for others to use to advertise for me! It is my first version of the button and I am sure as I continue to write and develop my blog, it will also change. One of my big goals this summer along with blogging daily is to design my own blog layout and I feel that with all of the helping I am finding online I am understanding html so much better already! Some really helpful blogs that I must give shout outs too are Little Chief Honeybee, one of my favorite blogs for inspiring me to finally start my own blog and for teaching me how to streamline photo sizes, along with plenty other awesome posts she has written. She is a recent graphic design graduate (I will be in her shoes in two years!) so it is great for me to be able to read about her life and really learn some amazing lessons from her. If you are looking for a neat blog to follow, she is it! 

Another tutorial that really helped me out came from Kevin & Amanda and that was how to actually add a signature to the end of my blog posts. 

And then there was Musings of a Housewife who taught me how to make my buttons with the button code!

Next time, your regular Makeover Monday post! If anyone out there has a blog or is starting one and wants me to follow it, leave me a comment with your blog and I will come check it out! : )


Anonymous at: May 9, 2011 at 7:26 PM said...

Testing testing 1,2,3...

{ Shelby } at: May 9, 2011 at 7:28 PM said...

Yayyy! it worked! Though that is a funky name you posted under Heather!
: )

{ kay } at: May 9, 2011 at 8:44 PM said...

Loving the blog, Shelby! And I am a fan of the signature! :)

{ Shelby } at: May 10, 2011 at 10:20 AM said...

Thanks Kaleigh! : D

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