Makeover Mondays

Oh my goodness! I am back, can you believe it I finally have a moment to post something! Its been almost a lifetime since I last posted, school has started, I live in Shoemaker now, BGR flew by and I am so so busy! Hopefully I can get back into a regular posting schedule but between school work, serenades practice, house duties, socials and fundraising (oh and trying to fit in my friends too) I can not guarantee anything! I have missed posting, and there are so many things for me to share with you all, so to get back into the routine here is some makeover ideas!

pink fridge dainty kitchen
I really think the wallpaper in this kitchen is darling, but the highlight is the pink fridge! I wouldn't mind having one in my future home. : )
robins egg blue office flowers
Robins Egg Blue! In case you didn't know I am a bit obsessed with this color... and the flower details on the wall are adorable. I think I would always be inspired in this office!
pink classy bedroom
I want this room so badly! Pink, light blue and silver are my favorite colors and the collaboration of modern and vintage in this room make me so happy!
flower wall picture frame
So I may do this in our room here at Shoe... we currently need some decorations for our walls and I think this would be such a fun idea! 
white sitting room with big circle window
Why am I always so attracted to white rooms? I love color yet the all white deco always seems to open up small spaces, though this unique circle window definitely "adds" a lot of space! 
treehouse kids bedroom
If I was a kid (heck even now) and I walked into this room I would probably scream with delight. This is such a fun and cute way to decorate a kids room, and would be perfect for boys and girls! I just want to climb up into the treehouse loft and read a book. 
hello kitty bedroom
While I love Hello Kitty, I don't think I will be decorating my room like this anytime soon... but the big red bow pillows are so much fun!
blue lights loft
This entire mini kitchen is creative, but I WANT that loft! I also appreciate the kitty stair steps on the wall.
bright colored room with ice cream sandwich bench
Would you be shocked if I told you I passed up the opportunity to buy the ice cream sandwich bench recently? Sadly that is a true story... I wish I could have bought it but I know for sure my mom would have killed me. Next time though that bench will be mine! This room is so funky and eclectic and while it may be meant for a teen girl... I want it to be my room now. 

Thats all for now, I hope to be posting again real soon, maybe even tomorrow if I get a chance! Thanks for taking the time to check out my blog again. It means a lot to me. : D

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